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The sciatic nerve is formed in the lower spine by the union of L4 to S3 nerve roots and exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen (deep in the buttock). The nerve then runs along the thigh, into the leg, ending at the foot. Sciatica occurs when the nerve is inflamed, irritated, and/or mechanically compressed at its nerve root end.


  • Pins and needles sensation that comes and goes in the thigh or leg 

  • Icy, piercing pain in the foot 

  • A feeling of warm water suddenly spilled down one leg 

  • Vague stabbing pain deep in the buttocks

  • Radiating pain to the foot or toes

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Sciatic Nerve 

Desperate from over a month of sciatica, I approached Dr. Greg Payne, who took me under his chiropractic wing after an exhaustive assessment of my condition. A combination of traction and other treatments saw my pain dramatically diminish. Dr. Payne promised no miracles but felt confident he could restore me, an 81 year old, to the level of mobility I had enjoyed prior to the sciatica. His candour and positive attitude throughout was in stark contrast to the unhelpful and prescription approach of conventional medical clinics. Handing one’s body, and especially one’s inner structure, over to another requires a great deal of confidence and, at all times, I felt I was in excellent and most professional hands. Sincere thanks to Dr. Greg Payne for putting this Humpty Dumpty back together again!

Patient At AVANT Chiropractic 

Struggling with Sciatic Pain?
Call 613 -801 - 2164 or book today for more information on how we can help!


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